Monday, February 9, 2009

No more bad foods

As many of you know, I do my best to keep a healthy and well rounded diet. Besides the fact that I am overweight, I do not eat like many "obese" people eat. I don't eat fast foods, I eat tons of fruits and veggies (that are NOT loaded with butter or any kind of fat), and I do my best to steer clear of any kind of processed foods and restaurants that serve processed foods.

After this past weekend, I have gotten the final confirmation that I cannot eat crappy foods...its just not worth it. I ate a TON of carbs this past weekend, I don't know why, or how, but I did. Today I am paying for it. I have felt nausea since yesterday and been feeling a little funny all day. Kinda like I am gonna have another panic attack or something. I believe it has to do with the crap that I ate this weekend, and not drinking enough water, and not frequenting the gym as I usually do. I don't know what it was, but on sunday i would not stop was TERRIBLE. I ate a lotta bread...I love bread, but we all know...gluten is BAD.

So, tonight, when i get home, I am gonna go to the gym, workout, and feel better. And come home to a nice healthy dinner. No more bad foods for me.

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