Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Gym Attire Part I

WTF is up with people that don't know how to dress for the gym?! Before I explain any further, I want to first say to my Asian friends, I love you all, and I know that this entry is not true for all Asians, just this one idiot in particular (well, maybe a few others, but not many). And Angela, no, you are not white :)

Well, yesterday I was telling my roommate about this other woman at the gym, who clearly does not have a clue. There is this Asian woman, possibly in her mid 30's, can't really tell. She has standard gym attire, dumpy t-shirt and shorts, but then come the shoes. She wears Adidas really...really, is she trying to take the place of Jam Master Jay in Run DMC?! I mean, sista, c'mon now, you can get a nice pair of saucony's, nike's, or adidas at Modell's for like $30. Does she not realize that when she is trying to run, walk, etc, that she is not getting the right support from her sneaker? I don't get it. But topped it off....She had a pair of "non-workout" sneakers on, maybe sketchers or something with yellow shoelaces that had sparkles in them!!! WTF, is she practicing to play the part of Tinkerbell in some play! UGH!!!!

It gets better....she has this way of stretching and doing weights. She bounces when she stretches....didn't we learn at some point in the 80's that this was bad? Static stretching works best. Also, she does things like kalesthetics, I don't understand, like I said to my roommate, maybe it is part of her wanna-be tai chi routine. I can't say that I am the perfect gym person, and I wouldn't even come close to calling myself a gym rat, but there is common sense at the gym. As I am observing her, I am afraid she is going to pull a muscle, throw out her back, etc. Its the same feeling (melanie will understand this one), when you watch people use the rowing machine at the gym, they are soooo not doing it the right way!!!!! I know I am harsh, but really....why can't people get a clue?!


angry little asian grrl said...

why can't people get a clue? because they are stupid. that's why.

Melissa said...

God, I miss you Karen =(