Wednesday, October 24, 2007

My Pathetic Addiction

So this time, I am the one that needs to get a clue. It has been about 3 weeks now that I have been coming home and turning on Channel 29 and watching Law & Order: SVU and Criminal Intent. Like, what the hell is up with that?! I started watching it one day since my roommate Angela was watching it, now, its like my addiction with the Golden Girls, I just can't get enough.

I mean, lets evaluate, they
always end up solving the murder and figuring it out, so why do I keep tuning in? And on SVU, I can't stand that blonde actress that plays the DA, she's so annoying and also, since when did Ice T stop making rap albums and become an actor? And here's the rub, I really am starting to like Ice T's character and even turned to Ange last night and said, "You know, he's really not that bad of an actor." And seriously....seriously, I have my PE (professional engineer) exam coming up in April of 2008, I really should be studying for that every night and not watching Vincent D'Onofrio play a gumshoe....oy!


angry little asian grrl said...

You have to admit, though, that episode of Criminal Intent was pretty good.

melanie said...
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melanie said...

oh you have so much to learn my friend...

first off...i am marginally OBSESSED with l&o: svu...christopher meloni is on my 'who i would cheat on mike with' list (which he is aware of).

second...the blonde is either stephanie march (wife of bobby flay) who was 'killed' off a few seasons ago or diane neal who used to have red hair, but has been slowly going blonde for the past few seasons now that there aren't any blondes on the show since stephanie's 'death'...either way, i like the characters, but feel like their parts have weakened so far this season.

third...mariska hargitay is hot...i would go gay for her (but not really)... t really is the perfect actor for his role...

fifth...whats the deal with olivia and elliot using their full names when speaking to one another??? i get that they're supposed to have tension in their relationship (sexual and otherwise), but that was such a key part of their chemistry and i don't like the change...

not a big fan of l&o: ci...can't stand the guy (not mr. big)...that vincent guy...really, if he were as smart as he comes off, he'd be working for nasa not getting crap pay from the city of ny as a detective.

and now i am done.

Karen said...

Clearly I have much to learn. Yes, I watch the reruns on USA...anyways, I am trying NOT to be addicted, But i can't stop..its like potato chips. Oy Vey! And I like Vincent D'onofrio, but u r correct, if he were that smart and full of superfluous information, he sure as hell would not be a Sargent in the NYPD.

Melissa said...

Vincent D'onofrio is my god. Glad to see that you finally got a blog :)